This is the GoldenEye OnLine Strategy section. GoldenEye consists of three
degrees of difficulty: Agent, Secret Agent and 00 Agent. In order to play
the next degree of difficulty in a level, the same degree of difficulty
must be completed in the previous level. For example: To play the Facility
level on Secret Agent, the Dam level must be completed on Secret Agent. It
is possible to play the game solely on Agent difficulty and still see the
ending. However, GoldenEye offers more secrets and rewards if all degrees
of difficulties are attempted.

The Strategy for Cheats section will guide you through each level with a
Target time, and help you complete it under the specified time. Why is
there a Strategy for Cheats? There are some cheats that are too easy to get
like DK Mode; and there are some that seem pretty darn impossible like
Invincibility. The strategies were developed from my own personal playing,
and were used and tested by me. They will hopefully allow you to get all
the cheats in the game.