Multiplayer Arenas:
You can delve into eleven different arenas in Multi-player mode.
Some of
the levels are based on locations from the single player missions, others
are custom made for the Multi-player game. Some of the arenas are initially
locked, and you'll need to finish the corresponding mission in the single
player mode to open the matching Multi-player arena. The arenas offer a
of variety and each one is completely different. Some have multiple floors,
others have secret passages or darkened corridors. Each has a unique feel
with different dastardly twists and turns which allow you to set up deadly
ambushes for your opponent.
With its wide corridors, large open room, and relatively
simple floor plan, the Temple is a great level for
beginning agents. The central room is so large that it
can be difficult to see someone at the other end without
a rifle scope. A gaping hole in the middle of this
room's floor allows you to snipe down on targets on the
lower level.
As its name suggests, the Complex is one of the most
intricate Multi-player levels. The sprawling layout
features many twists and turns, and the multiple floors
makes it difficult to know exactly where your opponents
are, even when using the radar. There are also many
sniper positions scattered throughout the maze, but few
of these offer complete security for the shooter. You
can also hide in the ventilation ducts and ambush opponents from there.
Poor lighting conditions make the subterranean caverns a
confusing and deadly place for a firefight. There are
plenty of sniper lookouts, switchback passages, and
darkened ambush points. Because it's easy to get turned
around, the caves are an amusing location in which to
have fun with the different explosive mines.
The massive Library is one of the largest Multi-player
arenas, with a full basement and upper floor. The main
floor features wide open rooms with multiple levels, and
several secret passages. Below, the library basement
offers a dimly lit and confusing floor plan to befuddle
agents who start there. When hunting in the Library, you
can shoot through the grates in the floor down into the
basement, or vice versa.
The Basement is the lower floor of the Library. Two
large rooms with many pillars create a confusing arena
for a pitched gun battle. The dark corridors of the
basement make for possible ambushes by a stealthy
If you choose the Stacks, you'll compete in just the
upper level of the Library. Although the Basement is
locked, there is still plenty of action potential in the
upper floor. Use the upper level perches and secret
passages to snipe at or ambush your opponents.
One of the smaller Multi-player arenas, the Facility
makes for a fast and furious battle. Because of its
size, you can count on reappearing near someone after
you die. There are not a lot of places to hide here,
although the restroom on the upper floor is a favorite
spot to stage an ambush, especially because it is there
that you can usually find the special weapon for the
Large and well-lit, the Bunker is a good arena for
beginning agents to practice their lethal skills. An
agent who knows the floor plan can really lead pursuers
on a wild goose chase through the maze of this level.
Look for the arena's special weapon in one of the side
rooms of the main Control Room.
Part of the GRU Military Archives have been blocked off
and converted into a Multi-player training ground. The
corridors of the archives are littered with crates which
will explode when you shoot them. Although you can find
weapons in some of the offices, they can also be death
traps if someone pins you down inside. A secret passage
will let you escape from the dead end by the offices on
the upper level.
The Subterranean Caverns in Cuba make for a sprawling
combat training zone. This level is spread out between
several different locations, which are connected by a
long series of walkways. You'll have to do a lot of
running around in this level to get from one location to